Find out about our services and how we can help you stay on top of EX.

What you get when you work with us

Atypical: EX done differently – Kemp&Co create magic from the mundane.

Generosity: Our legacy is the advice, support and time we give to benefit the next generation.

Sincerity: Tough conversations that prioritise employee well-being are more important to us than being popular.

Our Services

EX Audit

Step One for EVERYONE who works with us is our comprehensive EX Audit. This is non-negotiable. You may think you know where your company’s issues lie, but trust us – the independent consultants – to be the judge of that. Our survey and monitoring processes deliver quantifiable results that are driven by hard data. If you can’t get on board with this, try another EX Consultancy and we’ll see you in a year or so when their suggestions fail.

Our Method: Record, Play, Rewind, Fast Forward

Record: We listen to your organisation closely with our EX Audit Survey and workplace observations. Includes: 

  • Bespoke employee survey

  • Observe meetings 

  • Workplace visits

Play: We use the data to connect the dots and analyse recurring themes. Then we collaborate on priorities.

Rewind: With themes established, we gather more data and test our themes in focus groups, 1:1’s and leadership conversations.

By Recording, Playing and Rewinding we can understand your company’s EX and provide solutions for how we can work together to improve it.

Fast Forward: After your EX Audit we deliver a report containing short-term and long-term recommendations to improve your EX. This will also provide an overview of your company culture and insights into how your workforce will react to future challenges. Essentially, this is your personalised plan to Fast Forward your approach to your EX.

EX Playathon

After delivering our recommendations we spend half a day collaborating with your team members to plot what we do next AND how. In a playful way we bring in your team so changes can be considered from all angles and embed impactful change that your employees feel part of…for the people, by the people.

Fast Track

The initial stage to implement change as per the Fast Forward Report and EX Playathon. Typically focuses on quick wins and urgent fixes.

The Longplay

Where we implement strategic and long-term solutions as per the findings of the EX Audit. Sometimes involves a follow up EX Playathon.


Helpful when you need extra support on an ongoing basis. This could be priced daily or monthly, contact the team for a detailed breakdown.

  • Our non negotiable EX Audit: £5,000.

    EX Playathon: £1,500

    Fast Track: Dependant on recommendations

    The Longplay: Dependant on recommendations

    Retainer: From £650 per day

  • EX Audit: 4-6 weeks

    EX Plaython: Half a day

    Fast Track: 4-6 weeks

    The Longplay: 4-6 weeks

    Retainer: We’re here for as long as you need us